Friday, September 4, 2009

Who can believe.....Jay is 12!

Jay set his alarm for 6am and got us all up early to celebrate his big day before school!
Babe was really, really happy with his new Nokona catcher's mitt, a few other trinkets AND the above-pictured box of taco shells. Will apparently dared him to put those on his birthday list--
just "to see if Mom is paying attention."


Stephanie said...

The M and M topped cake made my mouth water when I saw the picture on Sunday and it is happening AGAIN.

But on a more important note, Happy 12th Jay! I still remember your original birth day when I was trying to come and meet you but was at the wrong hospital in Plano. I eventually found you :)

jena said...

Oh Babe. You can't be just one year away from teenage-dom. It's just not possible. I hope your day was fantastic!