Friday, October 8, 2010

Grandparents' Day

My mom came up from Charlotte for our school's Grandparents' Day celebration. I think she had a blast.

She didn't get the award for coming the farthest, or being the oldest or even having the most grandchildren at CBDS. But I would guess she got the most attention of any grandparent there. And that was just fine with her.

When I pulled up afterwards to pick her up, she was standing by the flagpole with one arm around Ty and holding Luke's hand with the other.....full of news about who she'd seen and met and how proud she was of the letters and artwork the boys had made for her. Made my heart shine.

Later, I heard her tell the boys about growing up on a farm:

"When I was a little girl, my mother, your great-grandmother, used to make biscuits every morning for breakfast. We'd all do our chores early and then....."

She didn't hesitate. She didn't skip a beat. She wasn't awkward about who was who. She didn't try to qualify anything. Her family was their family. Her stories, her memories and heritage....she wanted to share it all with Luke and Ty.

Good for Mom for getting beyond race and biology and genetics to think of Luke and Ty as her grandsons.

Shame on me for ever thinking for a second that things would be any other way.

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