Thursday, September 11, 2008

Drum roll, please.......

Amos and Kalee are now officially Dixons!!!!

A scanned copy of our court decree arrived in my inbox today. It says, in part...

"IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND DECREED: that from this date hereto and henceforth, said children shall for all intents and purposes be the adopted children of the Petitioners....

...and shall be called, known and regarded as AMOS LARMAH DIXON and KALEE LARMAH DIXON as if the children had been born out of the natural bodies of the Petitioners in the bonds of Holy Matrimony."

Drew and I have 5 sons. God is so very good.


Brandi said...

Whohoo!!!!! Congrats! That is SO amazing. . .one of the best "dancing days" in the adoption process. Dance, girl. . you just had 2 more!



Stephanie said...

This brought goosebumps AND happy tears. I am so excited for the seven of you!! :-)