Dear Will,
As you head back to high school I just want you to know that I love you and hope you'll have a great sophomore year.
How awesome is it that you have a chance to study music...that we live in a city with a phenomenal arts school.....and that you have the ability through your art to add goodness and beauty to our world that is sometimes so very ugly.
I thank God often that you are you. I thank Him for the way your brain works, for our shared love of books and words, for your blue eyes....for all those songs He puts in your head that you play for me on piano late at night. Over and over.
As you go into 10th grade, I am praying essentially the same prayer that I've always prayed for you. God, be with Will and keep him safe....protect his body and protect his heart. Help him know the difference between right and wrong. Please give Will friends and teachers that know you.....and understand him. Make your presence known to Will. Help him know that you are real. Be with him....walk with him....whisper in his ear and call him closer to you. Help Will become the man you would have him be.
Have a great year, Will. Try hard. Use your gifts. Learn all you can. Make some new friends. And always, glorify God in every thing you do.
I Love you!