The last couple of weeks have been pretty stressful as far as the adoption goes....hence my lack of posting.
On October 2, I contacted Senator Richard Burr's office (again) and while his staffer would not agree to contact any Liberian government officials, she did make an "official" inquiry to the US Embassy in Liberia on Drew's and my behalf. On October 9th, we received a letter from Senator Burr saying that the US Consular in Monrovia indicated that "the Liberian moratorium would not be lifted....until sometime after January, 2010."
Three loooooong, sad months away.
On October 7th.....there was an announcement made on the State Department website saying that, despite the moratorium, cases would be processed for those with "full and complete" adoptions. I immediately confirmed with our agency director that our Liberian court decree does, in fact, make our adoption full and complete.
I felt hopeful for a time.
Until....our agency director cautioned, that, even with our court decree--- even IF the Minister of Health completed a case history (the very LAST piece we need)---and even if, the US Consular issued visas for the boys, there is still the possibility that Amos and Kalee would not be allowed to leave Liberia because of the moratorium!
What circular craziness. It doesn't stop there.
Today, our director emailed to say that another adoption agency was being allowed to move forward with 7 adoption cases. She was thrilled; she suspected the Liberian government was finally feeling some pressure from stateside inquiries. An Addy's Hope employee was on his way to the Minister of Health's office to inquire about getting case histories completed for those of us with court decrees.
I spent the afternoon feeling encouraged---perhaps the State Department announcement was correct after all.
A little while ago.......another emailed arrived from our director. Apparently, no one at the Minister of Health's office knew any thing about case histories being written.....for anybody. She's going to follow up on the rumors and try to get to the bottom of it all tomorrow.
So, I head to bed......I'll pray again that God will keep Amos and Kalee safe and well until Drew and I can bring them home. I'll still seek God's will in this thing.....I'll try to discern what He's trying to teach me....what He has in mind for me and Drew to we might encourage other people to adopt. I'll ask God to show us what He would have us do to help the Liberian people.
I'll thank God, too, for all of you who are keeping us Dixons in your prayers. I'll thank God for those of you who have asked how you could donate to the orphanage because you want the children fed. I'll thank God for the people I've never met who have left voicemails and sent notes of encouragement because they've heard our story or seen our name on our church prayer list. I'll thank God for all of you who ask about the adoption because you are interested. And I'll thank God for all of you who don't ask because you are afraid it might be too hard for me to talk about.
Because, on days like is.